
Low risk potential

Based on the information you provided, it is likely that your project has a rather low risk of infection for visitors. Nevertheless, it is advisable to prepare a concrete evaluation in cooperation with experts. The greatest risk factors should be considered in detail and, where necessary, risk-reducing measures should be derived. You should document the risk assessment prepared and any measures derived.

Medium risk potential

Based on the information you provided, it is likely that your project has a medium risk of infection for visitors. The measures taken so far may not be sufficient. In particular, you should consult with experts with regard to the applicable legal framework conditions, specific risk of infection or suitable measures and draw up any concepts that may be required. You should document the concepts prepared and any measures derived.

High risk potential

Based on the information you provided, your project is likely to have a high risk of infection. It is recommended that the measures be adapted or expanded to reduce the risk potential. The analysis of the risk potential and the measures to be derived from it should be carried out by experts. You should document the concepts created and any measures derived.