Determination of the infection risk potential of your event
How can I assess the overall infection risk potential of my event projects as an event holder or responsible agency / general transferee in times of epidemics/pandemics?
What options does the person in charge have to make an assessment and evaluation as to whether the project can be carried out alone or whether it would be better to call in external expert support in the field of infection control and hygiene?
You are not sure whether and to what extent you need a safety and infection control concept and/or the necessary risk assessments?
Carry out an initial analysis of your planned event here online. You will then receive an assessment of where the infection risk potential of your project lies and what the next steps may be.
Important before preparing a risk assessment: Find out in advance about the current infection situation. Where applicable, there could be a general ban on events or restrictions based on requirements from health authorities, e.g. dependent on the incidence value at the location of the event.
Please refer to the instructions for using the ESC risk assessment tool under Terms of use - Disclaimer.
Check your event for infection-related risk potential here.